How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively

How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively – 6 Steps And More

I am sure we can all relate to the situation when there is someone you can’t get out of your head, no matter how much you try.

Whether it is an intense crush on an ex or unrequited love, obsessive thoughts about another person can be all-consuming and emotionally draining.

You get a skip in your heart every time their number flashes on your phone. You imagine stories always running about the two of you all the time.

You ‘overthink’ even the simplest interactions and communications, and you interpret every gesture and word that is said.

At the same time, on the one hand, you realize that such levels of obsession are dangerous and unreasonable, but deep inside, you still do not want to give up.

When one is entangled in this cycle of desire, it takes up one’s time, denies one happiness and productivity, and can lower one’s self-esteem in the long run.

So, how can one stop thinking about someone obsessively?

Staring fixedly does not compel the object of affection back into one’s life as one would wish to think and hope it would.

It more often leaves one unproductive, unhappy in the relationship, and trapped.

If you’re struggling to tear your thoughts away from this person you can’t seem to get over, these strategies are how to stop thinking about someone obsessively…

How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively 1

It can even be helpful at times to try to understand where these obsessive thoughts are coming from.

This is pivotal when it comes to how To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively.

Do you have doubts in yourself, fear of rejection, fear of being left, or you can no longer find happiness in things that once made you happy?

When you look more closely, these thoughts circulate and could also be concealing such issues as anxiety, depression, or fears one might be encountering for the first time, or those that have been with them their whole life but never did they pay attention.

Do not hate yourself, but admit the deep lack that you can try to fill with this romantic fixation.

how to stop thinking about someone obsessively #1

Give Yourself a Reality Check

When we fully develop thoughts about a particular person, our thoughts start distorting reality and making the situation worse when it comes to How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively.

We indulge in ‘idealizing’ our crushes, creating fanciful what-if circumstances, or, in some cases, imagining that they are the ones who got away.

And so, let me say this: each time these fantasies are in your mind again, just think to yourself, wait a minute, what is going on here?

If this is just a one-sided situation and this person just sees you as a friend, don’t torture yourself by making it into some great love story that didn’t happen.

If it’s an ex, acknowledge that the relationship had to come to an end because of reasonable causes.

Think of all the imperfections and how incompatible you are with this person you look at through those rose-tinted glasses.

how to stop thinking about someone obsessively #2

Infuse More Mindfulness Into Your Day

How to Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively: Obsessive thoughts subside when one is active, focused, and doing something that requires brain effort and, most of all, does not allow daydreaming.

Deciding deliberately on the objects of attention during the course of the day is an efficient intervention to prevent relapses of fixations.

Spare intervals through which you are firmly anchored in an absorbing activity that does not allow you to think.

Learn to paint or knit – or to do any craft at all that will actively involve your hands – or simply watch a few more mindful meditations that are much more effective at increasing that Focused Awareness.

If your thoughts go back to your desire to pine for this person, do not scold yourself.

Barely say that such a thought has crossed your mind, and then consciously shift your attention back to the particular activity.

How to stop thinking about someone obsessively #3

How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively 2

Keep a Thought Journal

When it comes to how to stop thinking about someone obsessively, notice that you are still unable to break free of the reoccurring thought loops and fantasies about this person.

The best thing is to start recording them in a journal.

Writing down recurring thoughts in detail can prevent them from completing several cycles in your mind if you fear they will pop up again and again.

Moreover, if you read some of the entries after some time, you may feel that some of those thoughts are quite irrational or exaggerated.

If such patterns or root causes emerge, then again, journal it down.

How to stop thinking about someone obsessively #4

Fill Your Life With Other Positive Sources

When someone targets one person in particular, who is likely not to reciprocate the feelings, he closes his eyes to all the good things around him waiting to be taken care of. Ensure you get around people who help you grow.

When it comes to How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, communicate with close friends who could inspire as well as encourage you by their presence.

The reaction deserves respect and should be supported by relatives who have no conflicts of interest and can remind a person of their worthiness.

Engage in some activity that will make you feel as if you have a purpose other than daydreaming.

When you are gradually recreating a rewarding pattern of your life, you can notice that you think about this person you’d like to let go of less often.

How to stop thinking about someone obsessively #5

Limit Contact for Now

If other thoughts are constant and you focus on a person with whom you have constant interactions, like a friend, an ex, or a co-worker.

It would be effective to minimize interaction with the other person for some time, at least where close contact or discussions are involved.

When it comes to how to stop thinking about someone obsessively, a short vacation and some distance to gain new perspectives help a lot.

If you have common friends, it is advisable to distance yourself since this may just create bitterness.

You should just set up some provisional barriers concerning contact with common friends until those troubling patterns of thoughts begin to fade.

How to stop thinking about someone obsessively #6

Only Time Can Heal, So Be Patient

This is why obsessive thoughts are often tightly attached to an individual’s mind since people need to have some control over their emotional state.

But we cling on to fantasies and erect whole storylines out of, ‘’What if they’re the one I’ve been waiting for, and I just have to wait a bit longer, don’t I?’’

When it comes to How to Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, this attitude kills growth and self-actualization, while life changes can be embraced through acceptance.

Remember that uncertainty of the future is unredeemable. It cannot be replaced nor wished away.

This person may or may not cross your life and may or may not be involved with you in the committed relationship role that you seek.

It is much better to work on making the best of the current situation and cultivating serenity within yourself.

Though it is understood only time can heal, people should not be hasty and rush through the process of getting over their partner.

If a person applies all the conscious efforts and completes all the wholesome cognitive practices not to obsess about someone, it might be possible to experience frustrating relapses and moments of fixation on the person again.

When it comes to how to stop thinking about someone obsessively, I believe the recovery process that our minds and hearts have to undergo is something that can’t be rushed.

Some believe that it is possible to eliminate these romantic interests instantly with sheer determination, which is not possible.

Remember that it is normal to feel a desire for this person or periodically think about them, given that this is quite a deep-level relationship.

Maintain your loyalty to the behaviors that gradually free you. At some point, you get free from being preoccupied with something that cannot bring the kind of happiness you seek.

Strategies to Stop Thinking About Someone You Have a Crush On

On How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, these strategies will assist you on this journey.

When you have an intense crush on someone, you often find yourself daydreaming and fantasizing about the relationship you want to have with the person you have a crush on.

To stop thinking about someone you have a crush on, try these strategies:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings: Now acknowledge that you have a crush on that someone, although realize that one does not always have to make the next move, and even if she does, it might not be reciprocated.
  2. Limit exposure: Minimize the duration of your time together with your crush or communicating with her on Instagram or Facebook, and so on. It may also be useful to reduce the factors that could lead to obsessions. This strategy aims to prevent opportunities for obsession.
  3. Focus on their flaws: If you find yourself putting your crush on a pedestal, you must bring to your mind a recollection of the flaws of the person as well as the reasons why the two of you may never be compatible.
  4. Engage in activities you enjoy: They should embrace activities that engage their minds in other productive themes, hobbies, and social events, which will build their self-esteem.

Methods to remove someone from your mind and heart

On How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, erasing a person from one’s mind and heart is not a simple thing; it takes time and understanding to give oneself.

Consider these techniques:

  1. Practice self-love: Make sure you look after your feelings and do things that make you feel good about yourself; go for a run, paint, and talk to friendly people.
  2. Reframe your thoughts: If you keep thinking about this person, inform yourself that now you will think about more productive things.
  3. Create distance: In as much as possible, avoid or reduce interaction with the person that you want to get out of your mind and heart. This may include not replying to their messages or maybe situations where they are usually found or avoided not to come across them.
  4. Seek closure: If one has bitter feelings about someone or a situation that has not been addressed, one can write a letter and process her feelings. It is not necessary to post the letter since the letter is more important to the sender.

When You Cannot Get Them out of Your Mind, Do They Think of You Too?

How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively 3

How to Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively: This is the rule of thumb when it comes to thinking about somebody because it is believed that if one can’t remove such a person from one’s mind, then vice versa is also true.

Still, this is not entirely accurate. The thoughts that occupy a person’s mind more often than not are far from indicating that the person of affection reciprocates the feelings in entirety.

People’s minds operate in different ways; it is difficult to comprehend or be quite sure if one is thinking of another as much as the latter is thinking of the former.

Cognitive behavioral therapy would encourage the subject to avoid dwelling too much on the feelings of the other parties and instead work towards maintaining appropriate thoughts and feelings.

How to forget a person who you love with all of your heart

On How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, the fact is that separation from a close one is always considered to be one of the most painful if the relationship is severed or if the feeling is one-sided.

These strategies can help you navigate this difficult process:

  1. Allow yourself to grieve: The self-destructive behaviors we use the most aren’t a lack of love for ourselves; it’s anger, pain, and sadness, and it is okay to feel this way.
  2. Lean on your support system: This is why one should be surrounded by good friends and family who can comfort and listen to one.
  3. Find healthy distractions: Participate in enjoyable exercises, including walking in nature, taking up new courses, or volunteering to undertake a campaign in a sector that is close to your heart.
  4. Practice self-reflection: Water is as important as air, so you should take time to discover your needs, values, and goals outside the relationship. You are likely to experience personal growth as you reinvent yourself and gain strength.
  5. Seek professional help: If you find yourself caught in this sort of cycle or if you are having problems accepting the loss, you should turn to a therapist for further help.

Just be patient. When it comes to How To Stop Thinking About Someone Obsessively, recovery and leaving a person you value most are not things that can happen in one day.

Be patient with yourself; it will come, and you will be at the point where you want to be ready to move forward when you care for your body and soul.


When it comes to how to stop thinking about someone obsessively, the enemy that stems from obsessive thinking about a love interest or an ex becomes the prison of one’s mind, though the door remains open for you to choose to step out.

Through introspection, awareness of thoughts and feelings, detachment, and the passage of time, one can avoid making the cycle stick and regain control of one’s thoughts and emotional self-governance.

Once you are able to adopt these strategies for Stopping Thinking About Someone Obsessively, you will find the clarity to take up the next wonderful opportunity in your life.

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