My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend – 5 Steps To Make Her Yours

Few scenarios can instill such a complex blend of emotions when there are rumors that your major crush is out of a relationship.

The excitement begins sweeping over the guy’s head. His heart beats faster now that he is single and technically free.

However, a lot of concern lies about the right move during this vulnerable state where you hear “My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend”.

Overly forcing it could backfire and spoil the friendship you cherish. Nonetheless, delaying the message could cause you to miss the chance with your crush.

Not to mention, the very last thing you would want is to have your longtime crush regard you as simply in the ‘friend zone’ while you always had some sort of deeper feelings for her.

So ask yourself this… what should I do when My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend…

It’s not an easy balancing act, but this is your chance to carefully steer the conversation to a deeper level with your crush, provided, of course, that you are patient, in tune with your crush’s feelings, careful not to press the issue, and clear with your intentions throughout the interaction.

Here is the guide on everything you should do when you encounter the question: what should I do when My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend?

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend #1

It’s important to radically understand your intention and what you desire to get out of it when you ask yourself the question; “what should I do when My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend?.

Is she someone whom you have only admired from a distance, or do you know her and learned to view her as your crush over some time?

Have you ever wondered what the answer would be if you told them how you felt about them and they looked the other way?

Lastly, it has to come from a good place where you respect her thoughts and also want well for her.

If your only goal for the question; “what should I do when My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend?” is an arrogant desire to conquer this person you’ve been craving for a long time because she’s hard to chase, it would be better to step back.

However, if you are prepared to be held responsible for focusing on repairing her heart while constructively explaining where you would like the relationship to be, go ahead with real intention.

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend #2

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend 1

Step 2: Give Them an Emotional Runway

Whenever you’re in a situation like: “My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend”, it means your crush still has to go through a process of recovery, even if she initiated the breakup.

Some bouts of numbness, self-doubt, anger, relief, regret, or just the sheer sorrow of the fact that the relationship is over may switch on during this process of recovery.

Therefore, any notion of expressing other motives inclined towards romance should be stopped for at least the first four to six weeks of the separation, or perhaps more depending on the duration and severity of the separation.

Give them some conceptual time to begin organizing their new lifestyle and self-therapy without the agenda of a new relationship looming.

That is where you come in; to be a reliable and stable figure in their lives. Do not interrupt their complaining, avoid lengthy speeches about how you knew the ex was no good for them, and help them in other ways, such as bringing home their favorite food when they are stressed.

In other words, the intention is simply to make her feel cared for by you without the demand for any intimacy to be presented.

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend #3

Step 3: Plant Seeds of Interest Compassionately

After you get the idea that My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend is coming to terms with a new phase in life, and she has begun to look forward to being single and such.

You can then begin to introduce the elements of adding building blocks, suggesting to your crush that you are also exploring the idea of change from an admirer into a potential partner.

However, even such explorations should first be veiled and based on empathy.

You may get her out for a casual event that you two have always done together, such as hiking or visiting a new art exhibition.

When you do meet again and know that she’s looking to get back into dating, look for opportunities to compliment aspects of their character that you admire, look for memories from the friendship that you both cherish, and talk about what matters in a relationship.

The attitude that would need to be conveyed is that of genuine concern but with a subtle suggestion towards the brewing chemistry owing to how well one understands the other person based on the belief that you would each get each other’s spirit.

Introducing these little interactions and inviting more intimacy is the emotionally intelligent way of building upon her continued trust and comfort without pressuring her about relationships before they are ready.

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend #4

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend 2

Step 4: Hold the “What Are We?” Talk

At a certain point, when enough time has passed for whom My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend to heal from the feeling of betrayal.

And they’re more open to the idea of exploring new possibilities together, it’s time to have a direct and sensitive conversation about what’s the next steps.

Where does the relationship sit on the line that separates friendship from dating, and what is the exact direction you both have in mind?

There is no need to appear too critical, or imposing, just be soft and share that you have started to see a future together as a couple. But only if she has been signaling the same feelings.

It is essential to let your crush know that you are concerned about her emotional welfare and, simultaneously, refrain from intruding into their private life.

Assure you two will remain friends regardless of the status, but she should also know you are open to advancing this relationship to a romantic level.

After that, provide her some time to ponder about it and not immediately continue the conversation.

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend #5

Step 5: First Set Boundaries

Should you be privileged to get her reciprocation concerning wanting to try out a romantic relationship with you, I strongly recommend that the most vital guideline when dating someone who recently got out of a relationship is to first set boundaries.

It means that there should be no going back in the relationship, especially from the side of the former love interest, and no mixed signals from either of the two parties concerning the new relationship.

If one dreads how things might end up and still has reservations about keeping elements of the friendship, this would confuse your crush and inhibit them from truly opening up to the possibilities of the new relationship.

It is important when you ask yourself; “what should I do when My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend”, is to not confuse her emotions.

It may be inconvenient for you not to allow for ambivalent actions that directly oppose the course of action that both of you agreed on regarding the next steps to take to increase the level of the relationship.

Of course, they will still have wounds from past relationships, which will require time and care to heal completely, as well as lots of patience.

But in case you feel their trauma revealing through hot/cold games, projecting negativity, or pulling away from the newfound intimacy likely for you, it is better to step back and remind them that before you proceed, you need to disclose that, they have to be honest about how they feel at the moment.

You would probably have to maintain certain emotional detachment if they revert to old cognitive schemas that are not conducive to the Foundation of a proper relationship.

Such patience is limited in such situations, your commitment and passion should be respected rather than being used as a mere rebound.

Moving On With a Grateful Heart

My Crush Broke Up With Her Boyfriend 3

At the very least, you hope for enlightenment from the courtship phase to understand their character and attachment style, even though it never becomes a transition into coupledom.

Ending a friendship should not erase the part the other played in your life, regardless of whether or not the ending was what you envisioned.

Any person willing to simply sail away through heartbreak yet keep his or her door open for loving companionship will deserve my admiration.

If you paid your dues as the person who didn’t love them as much as they did, much less than they did, but sincerely in love, then you made a special gift to your former crush. Now, you feel more confident while facing future challenges and look more attractive to other people.


Most importantly, we must all take our greatest chances in this lifetime to get great love, given its unpredictable risks.

These calculated emotional actions ensured that this situation played out with respect, regard, and knives. Forward to the next soul to travel with you your heart needs!

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