Get a Girl To Notice You

Get a Girl To Notice You – 6 Proven Methods

Love at first sight, the most clichéd romance idea that movies have taught us.

The girl and the guy notice each other and lock eyes.

Just like that, they fall in love and live happily ever after. 

Well, in real life it might not be so straightforward.

But who’s to say attraction, at first sight, is false?

Perhaps not love, but a girl would most definitely form an impression when she first notices you. 

And from the initial attraction, only then can you bring it to the next level.

So the question now is, how do you get a girl to notice you?

A shift in mindset is the first step to get a girl to notice you. Rather than trying too hard, dress to impress to portray yourself in the best light. Maintain eye contact and don’t shy from socializing with her friends. By giving a positive impression, you’ll get a girl to notice you.

Stop trying to get her to notice you

The first step when you try to get a girl to notice you is to NOT try at all! 

Yes, you heard that right. It might sound ironic and senseless but hear me out. 

Most guys try too hard and overdo it when it comes to getting a girl to pay attention to them. 

Will that get a girl to notice you? 

Yes, it will. But you’re only coming off as someone desperate and creepy. 

Now, that is not a look you would want to aim for. 

So, STOP trying to get a girl to notice you

Stop overexerting yourself by following her around. 

Rather than pursuing her to grab her attention, let things evolve naturally. 

Here are 8 more tips you can use to get the girl’s attention.

What you need to be concerned about is to work on yourself. 

Present yourself such that she ends up noticing you naturally and starts to pay more attention. 

Keep reading to find the methods you can use to get a girl to notice you.

Get a girl to notice you without talking to her.

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Sources state that someone can make an impression about you without even talking to you; in the first few milliseconds after they meet you! 

So, the more you work on your outlook, the higher the chances of you making a memorable impression. 

Before even talking to her, you’ll need to lay the groundwork; communication comes later. 

Work on yourself so that your presence around her will be impossible to miss.

That’s not restricted to simply your appearance.

From your dressing sense, body language, demeanor, and how you interact in a social setting. 

All play a part when it comes to getting her attention. 

Let’s go into more detail, on how you can get a girl to notice you without even talking to her.

1. Dress to impress 

While appearance is superficial, we can’t deny that it’s the first thing a girl will notice. 

And we can’t blame them for it, because we guys are the same. 

We make an initial impression based on appearance. 

That being said, there is nothing more irresistible than a well-dressed man.

You do not have to look like a male model to impress her. 

Dressing in the general sense simply means a dressing style that suits you. 

Find a style that suits your personality and dress to impress. 

It is the best way to make that great first impression – dressing sharply.

Of course, you must not forget about proper grooming. 

Grooming is a key aspect that is often overlooked.

But it is so important you really can’t be lazy about it. 

When you are well-groomed and dressed to the nines.

You’re forcing her to take notice. 

Present yourself well, so you stand out from the crowd. 

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2. Make eye contact with her 

Once you’ve grabbed her attention, you’ve placed yourself in an advantageous position. 

However, that is not enough to seal the deal. 

You need to respond to her glances to let her know you are interested in her! 

What better way to do this than to make eye contact with her? 

Eye contact is a great way to establish a connection between two people even without talking. 

You need to let her know you’re noticing her as well, and that you are keen to move forward. 

Eye contact is the most effective non-verbal communication method as it can convey a message that words are unable to.

It will assure her that you’re willing to approach and engage with her. 

Despite being a simple gesture, having eye contact will open you to a potential conversation.

Take notice of the green light (Her glances, smiling at you) 

And make the first move to go up to her. 

3. Socialize with her friends 

A sure-fire way to get a girl to notice you is to socialize with her friends.

Don’t shy away from interacting with her social circle and make a good impression when you’re around.

The simple act of being sociable will give you so much in return. 

Think about it, you have already made a good impression.

What would be the next best thing to happen that’ll propel your success with the girl? 

Her girlfriends mention you in their conversations, and you’ve become a topic for discussion. 

At this point, it will be impossible for her not to notice you. 

She will be reminded of you constantly; even when you’re not there.

This is why it is crucial to be on good terms with the people she hangs out with. 

When that happens, word of mouth will do the heavy lifting for you!

Not only will you get a girl to notice you, but she’ll also hear the good comments her friends have to say. 

With that, she will start to think highly of you, even before approaching to talk to her.

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4. Position yourself properly

When you want to get a girl to notice you, it’s dependent on how well you position yourself. 

Being at the right place, at the right time, where you can make the most impact. 

You might be wondering how you even do that… but it is quite simple. 

Remain a relaxed composure, wait for the opportunity, and play to your strengths. 

This is most obvious when you are in a group setting. 

Do you ever notice someone being the core of the group, and all eyes are on him?

The same principles work here!

Impose your presence and make yourself known. 

Try not to simply blend into the crowd.

Play to your strengths so that you will become the center of attention.

You might feel uncomfortable at first, which is why you should only do it when you have the strength to show. 

For example, the group is talking about swimming.

You can share that you were a competitive swimmer.

Instances like these, where you share facts but at the same time place yourself in a good light.

This is the best way to stand out from the masses.

Before you even communicate with her, let her be drawn towards you.

Do so by positioning yourself for the most impact. 

Get Her To Notice You – The Approach

After you get a girl to notice you, you will need to take a step further. 

Approach and strike up a conversation. 

No matter how much you impress her, it will mean nothing if you do not take action. 

You need to ensure you strike up a conversation and continue to maintain her attraction for you. 

There are so many guys out there who can present themselves well. 

But at a loss when it comes to approaching the girl. 

If that’s you, check out this step-by-step guide on how to approach a girl.

So how do you make a memorable impression and get a girl to notice you?

5. Be bold and be confident 

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If you realize a trend…

To get a girl to notice you before the approach, you’ll need confidence.

You have already managed to get her attention, so do not waste this chance. 

When you’re talking to her, bring forth the confidence you’ve shown. 

Remain calm and composed. Have more confidence in yourself! 

The fact that you can get a girl to notice you, means you’re doing something right!

Be bold and don’t be afraid to rebuke her. 

Express yourself confidently and put yourself out there. 

Girls fancy a guy that gives them a challenge, instead of one who is too easy.

It’s important to make the conversation flow smoothly and effortlessly for you.

6. Build a connection with her 

When you’re conversing with her, the most important thing is to listen. 

Try to sound out her interests, her likes and dislikes her passion. 

All these are what’s important to help you understand her. 

Show genuine interest when listening to her speak.

And pay attention to the little details she shares with you.

By sounding her out, you will get a rough idea of what works and what doesn’t.

Use the little details to your advantage to find areas in common. 

This is all in a bid to build up a connection with her. 

Understanding her will make it easier for you to strike up a conversation.

It will also make her more receptive to what you’re saying!

Building a connection right away greatly increases the possibility of leaving a memorable impression.

And with that, you’ll get a girl to notice you and make her crave to know more.

Move on if she is not interested

When you’re trying to get a girl to notice you, there’s bound to be times you succeed and times you fail. 

The girl might not be interested no matter how hard to try.

One thing to note is that rejection can be due to many reasons.

She might already have a date, you might not be her type, and she might not be looking for something serious. 

Regardless, don’t bash yourself if you do not get a girl to notice you. 

When you converse with her, you can pick up the hints to determine the girl’s interest. 

You can save yourself a ton of time and pain when you ascertain her interest early on. 

If that’s the case, MOVE ON… be a gentleman and excuse yourself politely. 

It is better to focus your efforts on someone who would be interested.

Find someone who’ll reciprocate your feelings the same way.

More Dating Tips & Tricks To Get The Girl

Getting the girl to fall for you can be straightforward, but there are a lot of things you need to get right. Use these articles to further up your dating game:

To sum it up

Trying to get a girl to notice you is a delicate issue. 

You need balance and precision to execute it right.

If you overdo it, you might come off as too loud and overbearing. 

If you don’t do it right, you’ll just blend in with the masses.

You need to find a balance between pushing it; while being subtle at the same time. 

There are distractions everywhere and every guy out there is trying to get the girl’s attention. 

It takes some practice, but after some time you’ll find the sweet spot that places you in the spotlight.

So there you have it! Our tips on how to get a girl to notice you. 

Over time, you’ll be able to grab her attention and pave your way to attracting her.

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